Firmware update for EF to EFM /RF(EOS R) Speed Booster ULTRA (Mac)


Firmware upgrade for Canon EF - EF-M(EOS M) and EF - RF(EOS R) T Speed Booster ULTRA®



This information is for the following models:

Disclaimer: these release notes only highlights significant changes to the firmware. There may have been other changes that are not documented.


































Operating System: macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra or newer.

Micro USB cable required.


Important notes:

How to download the firmware updater:

  1. Make sure that you are logged on as a user with administrative rights.
  2. At the bottom of the page, read the disclaimer and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on the checkbox. Then, click on the Download button.
  3. The download of the [MetabonesApp.dmg] file will start.
  4. Save the file to the desktop of your computer (recommended). 


Once the file has downloaded successfully, you're ready to upgrade the Firmware update for the Smart Adapter.

STEP 1: START UP THE Metabones App

  1. Close all currently running programs on your computer.
  2. Double-click the [MetabonesApp.dmg] file you downloaded to start up the Metabones App.
  3. Connect your the Smart AdapterTM to the computer by using the USB-MicroUSB cable.
  4. Then, follow the instructions in the Metabones App to update the firmware.


End User License Agreement (EULA)

Metabones App, hereinafter referred to as App, is licensed to you ("User") by Global Boom International Limited ("Metabones") on a single-user, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable basis. App shall be used only with Metabones products and only as specified in this End-User License Agreement ("EULA"). User may not reproduce, copy, rent, lease, reverse engineer, decompile or sell App or the accompanying online documentation, except to the extent expressly permitted by the EULA or by applicable law. Unauthorized use of App violates copyright and other intellectual property rights and Metabones and/or the relevant licensor (as appropriate) reserve(s) all rights. User acknowledges and understands that App is capable of reproducing copyrighted material by means of its Update function and use of said Update function on, for or with non-Metabones product(s) constitutes willful copyright infringement, subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution. Metabones does not give any Warranty with regard to the accuracy or reliability of the results or output that derives from the download, installation or use of App. Metabones does not accept any responsibility for loss of data or damage caused by the download, installation or use of App, or give any other warranty, or accept any liability whatsoever with respect to App. Metabones recommends that User (and User warrants that (s)he shall) always create and retain a copy of all data in hardware, with or in which App will be downloaded, installed or used, before downloading, installing or using App. Metabones and Metabones's Affiliates do not (except as specifically stated in an applicable EULA, if at all) offer support or assistance in using, installing or maintaining App, or resolving issues or problems that may occur as a result of downloading, using or installing App. You acknowledge that the App, and any accompanying documentation and/or technical information, may be subject to applicable export control laws and regulations. You agree not to export or re-export the App, directly or indirectly, in breach of any such laws or regulations. Where Metabones agrees (in writing) to provide technical support in relation to App or a Metabones product, it shall only provide that support on App or the relevant Metabones product in the same form and version as shipped from the Metabones or Metabones's affiliate's factory, which has not been subject to alteration, modification or abuse and which has been used in accordance with the accompanying online documentation. Metabones does not provide technical support to any non-Metabones product, notwithstanding any representation made by Metabones or Metabones' affiliates of compatibility with a Metabones product. Applicable EULA's may impose additional warranty and liability exclusions or limitations on App. The download, installation or use of App constitutes acceptance of these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you may not download, install or use App or the accompanying online documentation.


 I have read the above End User License Agreement (EULA) and agree to the terms and conditions.